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STFM Creates New Online Wellness Course to Inhibit Physician Burnout 

December 20, 2020–Burnout among the nation’s physicians has become so pervasive that a paper published by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the Harvard Global Health Institute, the Massachusetts Medical Society and the Massachusetts Health and Hospital Association (MHA) has deemed the condition a public health crisis. To help family physicians address and prevent physician burnout while maintaining quality patient care, the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) has created a new, 1-hour online wellness course that physicians can complete at their own pace.

Within the course, Family Medicine Physicians and Educators Catherine Florio Pipas, MD, MPH, and Mark H. Grennawald, MD, lead participants through a series of modules aimed at developing and maintaining personal wellness. After completion of the course, physicians should be able to: 

  • Understand the importance of creating a culture of wellness at your institution or in your clinic

  • Identify symptoms of burnout

  • Employ a variety of strategies to promote wellness for yourself and for their teams

"STFM understands the needs of family medicine educators and the serious impact that physician burnout can create on patient care," said Pipas. "This proactive approach to physician wellness is another impactful way that STFM supports the family medicine community."

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