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Personal • Health • Improvement • Tool



Congratulations on your commitment to the pursuit of health and thank you for contributing to our vision of “healthy individuals

contributing to healthy communities.” I invite you to use this electronic tool to promote rapid tests of change in all areas of your health.

By focusing on your priorities and completing one or 100 PHIT’s you will advance your personal journey towards wellness. 

        Cheers to our Health!!

        Catherine Florio Pipas, MD, MPH



  • Plan your PHIT:  The first step is to choose a theme

       that aligns with your personal wellness needs. You

       can pick from the top 10 list (below) or design your

       own. Next you will create a SMART goal to ensure

       success. This includes assuring your idea is Specific

       enough to know each day that you have completed it.

       Your goal need also be Measurable, and you will have

       the opportunity to set and monitor 2 metrics; first a

       process measure – that will confirm completion and

        second, an outcome measure that will help you

       demonstrate your achieved results. Your goal should

       also be Achievable and Relevant and you will have

       the opportunity to rank your confidence and

       importance respectively to determine each of these.

       I suggest if either ranking is less than 6,  that you

      save this goal for later and identify another need with which you are currently motivated to prioritize and change. Lastly, setting a time 

      frame for your goal will increase the likelihood of success. I suggest starting TODAY and continue for a minimum of 21 days. The

      MyPHIT tool is set up to run 30 day cycles. (Under Workshop Handouts, there is a hard copy of the PHIT handout with examples of each

      of the SMART components).

  • Track and Assess your PHIT: You will be given the opportunity to record your success and challenges Daily for the next 30 days. To foster your successful completion, you will receive an email reminder with a link to go directly to your project and document. If you forget to track, you can document any missed days by simply reset the date after you complete the metrics. You can also view your “days completed and average outcome metrics

  • Share your PHIT: MyPHIT now allows users to work in teams. To do so, click on Join a TEAM, and sign up. By doing so you will be able to post comments and share your successes and challenges. Teammates will be able to cheer you on and to benefit by your learning’s.



  • TEAM capabilities – Create a team name, view team member reflections and cheer someone on!

  • Web based and mobile responsive

  • Daily email reminders with a link to your PHIT.

  • Real –time dashboard reporting for administrators

  • Responsive to Feedback - please share comments and ideas @



  1.  Begin Meditation/Mindfulness

  2.  Enhance Physical Exercise

  3.  Advance Healthy Eating

  4.  Improve Sleep Hygiene

  5.  Foster Reflection/ Journaling

  6.  Un Plug from Technology

  7.  Improve Time Mgmt.

  8.  Increase Social Supports

  9.  Promote Positivity/Appreciative Inquiry

  10.  Start a new/old hobby (read, write, paint, sing)

  11.  OTHER: Create your own



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